Family EQ is an innovative life changing SaaS product. It is geared towards reducing the stress that primary care givers have when taking care of people with special needs. Other applications include helping primary care givers in other patient and life scenarios. The product is a survey based tool that creates unique action plans based on the responders for that patient or special needs person. The primary care giver is able to have 5 other people contribute to the survey and have the custom action plans reflect their responses as well for a comprehensive approach.
The team at Family EQ started this several years ago in a paper survey method. Working with several counties and social workers in Ohio, the survey method was refined in several iterations with hundreds of end users as expert researchers tailored the product to the best outcomes for the families being served.
Sound Press was privileged to be a part of this project in the beginning stages, and grateful to be able to take this well used and needed product into the digital age. Our process of pursuing good UX/UI along with best practices in SaaS development have resulted in a wonderful new launch of the digital SaaS product.
With this new launch, we’re able to now do campaigns in social media and search to grow our paid user base. Using targeting to specific demographics, Sound Press has developed target advertising in each channel platform to introduce this new innovative product.
If you or someone you know is a primary care giver to someone with with special needs, please take a look at for a revolutionary new product that could significantly reduce the stress associated with that care.