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Sound Press & PhaseZero B2C

Sound Press has joined forces with a leading eCommerce software provider PhaseZero Ventures in order to bring B2C wins to the automotive aftermarket, distribution and manufacturing sectors.

From a powerful search engine designed to quickly search and find right parts, real-time inventory, customer-specific pricing, seamless order management, and customer self-service capabilities, PhaseZero CxCommerce delivers a world-class unified customer experience solution with a turnkey Software-as-a-Service(SaaS) platform built and architected for industrial and automotive distributors and manufacturers. PhaseZero CxCommerce integrates with parts catalogs, manufacturing plant inventories, order management solutions, and shipping carriers to deliver real-time order statuses.

Sound Press works alongside the PhaseZero platform to provide marketing services and digital strategy expertise. Building a great ecommerce website is critical, but without a solid digital marketing plan to work at site launch, it will be tough to drive any traffic for sales. Sound Press will work to develop solid site content and tagging for organic search results placement, as well as digital advertising campaigns through Google Search, Google Shopping, Social Media, and other platforms. We’ll help your current and new customers find your new ecommerce site and feel good about the overall ease of doing business with unified customer experience to place their orders as well as post-order customer self-services.

Dana – danaaftermarket.com

Optima Batteries

Sadler Power Train

PBS Truck Parts

Adam Smith of Sound Press says, “We’ve worked with many ecommerce platforms and data companies over the years. We’ve seen great wins, and a lot of failures from companies that didn’t do the right planning and architecture from the beginning that then call us for help. Two of the biggest issues to solve involve good data architecture and integration to inventory warehouse management platforms. PhaseZero has invested in partnerships with world-class data providers to bring the parts data and digital contents for automotive aftermarket as an example, but also allowing for individual distributors and manufacturers to input their own data. We’re looking to deliver successful ecommerce outcomes in partnership with PhaseZero to our customers.”

Sound Press and PhaseZero are looking to accelerate the online business for progressive distributors and manufacturers that are eager to recover from last year’s challenges; delivering excellent digital commerce and unified customer experience to customers in newly established multi-generational buying habits in the forever changed ecommerce landscape.

Contact Us    Learn about the Phase Zero platform